Iterating in Dear Digital Equity

By Ethan Dith


What is Digital Equity? That was something I was asked at the beginning of the quarter which quite puzzled me. I had no prior knowledge of what Digital Equity was, nor did I hear this term being used before. Many of the resources that were provided to use in understanding this concept, were through videos, interviews, or class lectures. I would say that the digital equity leaning network in Washington State videos helped me understand exactly what Digital Equity is and what it entails. From the video I learned that digital equity is having resources and support for individuals to succeed in society such as having a personal computer, high speed internet access, and digital literacy training. We got to see first hand accounts of the different practitioners involved in digital equity and really exposed me to what is being done surrounding the issue. 

A design practice that we used all quarter was iterating through different ideas and concepts. Being able to iterate and critique your problems helps create new ideas that could help your design or idea. There are many parts of iteration, you first do some research, then design, test, analyze, evaluate, and then you start the process over. Iteration allows for the improvement of an idea or design, understanding what went wrong in order to fix the issue. 

Throughout the whole process of the project we did a lot of iterating. From the start of the project with the website design and logo to the deliverables that are available on the website. Not one of our deliverables are made to be perfect the first time. With iterating and getting critiques for our design, we constantly got to improve our designs and ideas. For instance when I was working on the website design team we all came up with our individual designs and then critiqued each other and redid our designs.


Importance of Collaboration


Patience and User Research