In this profile series, we showcase people immersed in Digital Equity in Washington State thereby getting a better sense of what motivates them to take on this work and a glimpse into their personal perspectives on Digital Equity. Though our aim was to showcase a breadth of roles, people, and organizations engaged in this work, this series is far complete. Please consider this offering a mere sampling of the many advocates who are aiming to make communication systems and services equitable for all in our region.

Rayanna Tensley
Rayanna Tensley shares her vision of Digital Equity in Washington State.

Daniel Pak
Co-founder and Executive Director, Totem Star

Marisol Tapia Hopper
Project Manager, Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County

David Keyes
Digital Equity Advisor, City of Seattle

Debra Hansen
County Director, WSU Stevens County Extension

Charlotte Antoine
Community Technology Advisory Board, Digital Equity Committee, Mayor’s Council on African American Elders (MCAAE)

Sabrina Roach
Sabrina Roach of Make Digital Equity shares her vision of Digital Equity in Washington State.

Dustin Loup
Project Director, Broadband and Digital Equity, Washington State University Extension